Regional Clinical Center of Miners’ Health Protection
Фото 10

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While using the site, you allow for processing your personal data and give the following agreement.

Personal data processing agreement

While using the site (surfing the web-pages, filling out the follow-up forms and requests), in concordance with the Federal Law No.152-FZ “About Personal Data”, July 27, 2006, according to my free will and my interests, I give my undoubted consent for preparing my personal data to Regional Clinical Center of Miners’ Health Protection (Principle State Registration Number 1024201298527) registered in compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation at the address:

7th district, 9 (hereafter referred to as the Operator), Leninsk-Kuznetsky, Kemerovo region, Russia, 652509

Personal data is any information relating to an individual person.

I give the present agreement for processing my personal data: full name, e-mail, phone number. The agreement is given to the Operator for performing the following acts with my personal data using the automation aids or without such aids: collection, systematizing, accumulation, storage, refinement (update, changing), using, depersonalization, deleting.

This agreement is given to the Operator for processing my personal data for the following aims:

1. Sending the letters and additional information on services and activities.

2. Provision of work and services.

3. Conduction of statistical and other studies on the basis of depersonalized data.

The present agreement is valid up to the moment of sending the notification to In case of cancelling my personal data processing agreement, the Operator has a right to continue processing my personal data without my consent in presence of the arguments in the points 2-11 of the part 1 of the article 6, the part 2 of the article 10, and the part 2 of the article 11 of the Federal Law No. 152-FZ “About Personal Data”, June 26, 2006.