Regional Clinical Center of Miners’ Health Protection
Фото 4

Версия для печати

Medical tourism

Priority-oriented medical service for the foreign citizens

Treatment in Russia

State Clinical Center of the Miners’ Health Protection

Priority-oriented medical service for the foreign citizens

State Clinical Center of the Miners’ Health Protection is equipped by the diagnostic techniques, surgical instrumentation, allowing to extend the high-technology service. Priority orientation of the Center is the specialized high-technology medical care of the patients with severe consequences of the neurosurgical injuries, central nervous system diseases, orthopedic problems, traumatic consequences.

In four traumatology-orthopedic and in two neurosurgery departments annually there are 3700 complex surgical procedures, including more than 700 high-technology ones:

- microsurgical interventions in the brain neoplasms,

- stabilizing interventions at the spine,

- endoprosthesis of the major joints;

Reconstructive plastic procedures on the pelvic bones, upper and lower extremities.

In the gynecology department there are the organ-conserving and reconstructive plastic procedures in the giant tumors of the genitalia using the endoscopic technologies, annually the quantity of such procedures is more than 300.

In the inpatient departments there are the experienced doctors. The heads of the departments are the honoured doctors of the Russian Federation, Doctors of Medical Sciences.

In the wards there are the comfortable conditions: shower, lavatory, TV set. 

Annually more than 30 foreign citizens from near-abroad countries and far-abroad countries undergo treatment.

Contact information

Location: 7th district, 9, Leninsk-Kuznetsky, Kemerovo region, 652509, Russia 



Responsible doctor 

Kornev Anatoly Nokolayevich – M.D., deputy head physician on the hospitalization


Tel. +7 (384 56) 2-32-42

Certificate of conformity