Regional Clinical Center of Miners’ Health Protection
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Information for advertisers

The scientific practical journal “Polytrauma” was developed in compliance with the recommendations of the All-Russian scientific practical conference “Polytrauma: diagnostics, management and prevention of complications” (September, 29-30, 2005, Leninsk-Kuznetsky) and was registered by the Directorate of the Federal Service for Supervision of Legislation in the Sphere of Mass Communications and Protection of Cultural Heritage for Siberian Federal District. The registration certificate is PI # FS 12-0644 from December, 15, 2005.

The founder of the publication is the Charity Fund of Center of Miners’ Health Protection (Leninsk-Kuznetsky).

The main editor of the journal – Agadzhanyan V.V., MD, PhD, professor, academician of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.

The editorial board and staff of the journal include the most influential clinicians and scientists of Russia, CIS and foreign countries.

The journal s dedicated to the problems of polytrauma. The page count is 60-100. The publication frequency is 4 issues per year.

The readership

Doctors, scientists, lecturers and students of medical education institutions. The published materials are of interest for leaders of health care facilities, employees of companies of production of medical equipment and expendable materials.


Editorial subscription, subscription by means of post office departments. The biggest libraries of Russia and CIS countries.

Scientific research institutes of traumatology and orthopedics of Russia, CIS and foreign countries, more than 200 specialized traumatology centers, institutes of postgraduate education, medical academies and universities.

International medical symposia, scientific practical conferences, round-table conferences, table-top sales, exhibitions.

Medical advertisement

The journal “Polytrauma” is the specialized publication which contains advising information concerning medicine.

Materials which are published in the journal correspond to the Laws of the Russian Federation: “About advertisement”, “About pharmaceuticals”, “About narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances”.

The journal renders informational support in market promotion of competitive products, projects, scientific research results and high technologies.

Requirements for provided drafts

For the journal “Polytrauma” only ready drafts are accepted, with only CDR or EPS vector formats. All text parts are converted to curves. Raster data are presented in CMYK color space, resolution of 300 dpi (for full-color pages). For other pages it is acceptable to present drafts in CDR and EPS in CMYK color space with using only color channels: K (black) and M (magenta).

The possible size of drafts: 170 x250 mm, 170 x120mm, 170 x 65mm, 115 x 80mm, 55 x120 mm, 55 x 80 mm.

The editorial office address:

7th district, 9, Leninsk-Kuznetsky, Kemerovo region, Russian Federation, 652509

The main editor – Agadzhanyan V.V., MD, PhD, professor

Tel: (38456) 2-40-00; Tel/fax: (38456) 2-40-50

Deputy main editor: Ustyantseva I.M., PhD, professor
