Regional Clinical Center of Miners’ Health Protection
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Russian Ilizarov Scientific Center for Restorative Traumatology and Orthopaedics, Kurgan, Russia


The problem of efficient treatment of patients with severe opened injuries to the lower extremities is conditioned by complexity and duration of treatment, possible development of infectious complications and rude scars, and slow regeneration [1-4]. The successful treatment of such patients is related to correction of posttraumatic defects of soft tissues with use of various types of tissue plasty. We think that for such cases it is appropriate to use dermotension technique with Ilizarov devices [4, 5, 6].
The literature describes some tactical errors relating to treatment of patients with the above-mentioned pathology, with situation when reposition of bone fragments is conducted to the detriment of favorable conditions for recovery of soft tissue wounds [3, 5]. According to the literature data, the recent two decades are characterized by significant advancement in treatment of wounds: the physiological mechanisms of recovery at different levels of tissue structures have been identified; social and financial costs for long term treatment of chronic wounds have been considered by the different funds of public healthcare. It is noted that transosseous fixation is a unique alternative in treatment of severe injuries to the extremities, with some advantages such as minimization of additional disorder of peripheral perfusion, supporting and preservation of soft tissues and decrease in potential risk of infection [7]. The treatment is to be primarily oriented not to the problem of bone fractures, but to development of optimal conditions for recovery of soft tissues [8]. It is known that the anatomical distal one-third of the leg and the foot are the most complex region of the lower extremity for reconstructive interventions, when it is appropriate to use the external fixation [8].
Objective – to review a clinical case of soft tissue defects of the foot supporting surface repaired with the Ilizarov method under control of mechanical and biological condition of the skin.


The patient (age of 16, female) was admitted to the clinic of Russian Ilizarov Scientific Center for Restorative Traumatology and Orthopaedics. The diagnosis at admission was: “Consequences of crushing injury to the left foot. Malunions of the instep bones 1-4, scarry-ulcerous changes in the foot at the background of lymph-venous insufficiency”. There was a scar (4 × 6 cm) in the plane of the supporting surface of the calcaneal region. The scar was connected to the bone and had an ulcer of 1.5 cm diameter. A road traffic accident with a truck happened. The left foot was injured. The conservative treatment was performed according the place of residence. Six months later, the patient was admitted to the clinic of Russian Ilizarov Scientific Center for Restorative Traumatology and Orthopaedics. At admission, some ulcerous-trophic defects of 1 × 3 cm were found in the middle part of the left foot, as well as defects of 1 × 4 cm along the anterior surface of the foot and defects of 1 × 2 cm along the internal surface. The regions were without subcutaneous fat. The surgical treatment included:
1. Osteosynthesis of the foot and the ankle joint with Ilizarov device for improvement in trophism and preparation for dermotension.
2. Replanting of the heterobone in the calcaneal region with subsequent lengthening of the skin for creation of tissue reserve.
3. Plantotomy. Osteotomy of the first instep bone.
Besides the clinical and laboratory techniques of the examination, we estimated the mechanical and biological condition of the foot skin. The quantitative estimation of the tissue condition near the wound of the injured segment was conducted with our technique for assessment of surface acoustic wave velocity (SAWV) with ASA skin acoustic analyzer (Moscow-Belgrade). The fields for testing were separated in the skin regions adjacent to the wound surface. Each field was divided into the regions of 1 cm2. With consideration of skin anisotropism, the calculations were performed in two different directions in relation to traction forces – longitudinally (C longitudinal) and transversely (C transverse). Then the comparative analysis of SAWV modules in symmetrical fields of the skin of the lesioned and intact segments was conducted. Also the time course of the studied values in relation to the initial values was estimated during the first day of distraction. The picture shows the procedure of measurements in mechanical and acoustic properties of the skin (Fig. 1).

Figure 1. The photo illustration of the monitoring procedure of biomechanical condition of the skin of the injured foot with use of mechanic-acoustic skin analyzer ASA (Moscow-Beograd production)

The present study was conducted in compliance with World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki – Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects, 2013. The patient gave her informed consent for participation in the study and for surgical treatment. The approval from the ethical committee of Russian Ilizarov Scientific Center for Restorative Traumatology and Orthopaedics was received.


Correction of the soft tissue foot defect with local tissues has the advantage of restoration of the full skin surface, i.e. the favorable anatomical conditions for recovery of the supporting function of the extremity appear. It is known that one of the most common methods for creation of reserve of covering tissues in different parts of the human body is use of tissue expanders. The literature describes the experience with use of tissue expanders for correction of scar changes in the region of the Achilles tendon [9]. As for possible complications, the authors note the development of boundary necrosis along the line of a surgical suture, migration of the expander port, transitory edema of the foot. Early closure of soft tissue defects is considered for severe opened fractures of the leg bones with aim of minimization of risk of complications [10]. In most cases, the degree of tissue extension is estimated visually and with palpation, considering the pain feelings of the patient [11].
Absence of objective techniques of identification of skin overdistension causing the ischemic disorders can lead to necrotic changes in the extended region and formation of a bedsore under the expander [11]. It is noted that adequate estimation of adaptation of tissues to extension is possible with the thermal imaging technique. Previously, the technique for estimating the skin extension in extremities lengthening in conditions of transosseous fixation with ASA mechanic acoustic skin analyzer was offered [12, 13]. The quantitative criteria were determined that testify the borderline states of stretched skin of the extremities, with their excess leading to appearance of signs of tissue microinjuries, striate atrophy of skin and tissue ischemia. It was one of the indications for correction of management of patients.
The following stages of the surgical treatment were conducted for closing the soft tissue defects of the left foot in the patient S.
The first stage. After two weeks of preparation, the surgery was conducted: osteotomy of the first instep bone, fool and ankle joint fixation with Ilizarov technique (Fig. 2, 3). The foot arch was restored. The patient received the successful complex drug and physical functional treatment of lymph-venous insufficiency (two courses of hyperbaric oxygenation, massage for the left and the foot with use of troxevasin, isometric gymnastics). Ilizarov device was dismounted one and a half month later. The wounds and the fistulas were treated successfully.
The second stage of the surgical treatment. There were some scarry tissues on the dorsal and lateral surfaces of the left foot, the rough scars of 5-6 cm (connected to the bone) on the dorsal surface containing some trophic ulcers (diameter of each – 1 cm2) at the moment of admission. The arteriography showed the preserved perfusion in the external part of the foot. Two surgical interventions were conducted for plasty of the scarry tissues on the supporting surface (Fig. 2, 3): the first surgery – creation of the reserve of soft tissues with Ilizarov technique, the second surgery – plasty with local tissues of the left calcaneal region. Foot and ankle fixation with Ilizarov technique, plantotomy, osteotomy of the first instep bone and implantation of heterobone in the calcaneal region for creation of the reserve of soft tissues were conducted. In the postsurgical period, traction towards the tissue defect was gradually performed. Its aim was creation of the skin reserve. After that, the heterobone was removed, the scar tissue was dissected and the defect was replaced with the local tissues.

Figure 2. The photo illustration of the patient S. during the surgical treatment and two years after it:
a) at the moment of admission to the clinic of Russian Ilizarov Center for Restorative Traumatology and Orthopaedics for the first stage of treatment (March 2004)


b) during the process of dermotension for tissues of plantar surface of the foot (June 2005)


c) long term period (2 years) after surgical treatment


Figure 3. The photo illustration of the X-ray images of the patient S. Diagnosis: «Condition after crushing damage of the left foot tissues after a road traffic accident. Posttraumatic trophic ulcers of the left foot. Malunions of the instep bones 1-5»:
a) before treatment

b) dermotension


c) long term result of surgical treatment with left foot dermoplasty for closure of the soft tissue defect in the calcaneal region


The monitoring of the mechanical and biological state of the extended skin surface was realized during the process of dermotension (the table, Fig. 4). On the seventh day of distraction, the extremely high tensioned and deformed condition of the stretched skin was identified. It testified the risk of the overdistension and development of ischemic disorders in soft tissues. Dermotension was stopped. After three days of the break, the distraction was initiated with the lower rate (0.5 mm per day). It was successfully completed under the control of the parameters of biomechanical condition of the foot skin.

Table. The time course of SAWV in the skin surface of the affected foot of the patient S., age of 17, during dermotension process

Traction (days)

V long. (m/s)

% of 1st day of distraction

V trans. (m/s)

% of 1st day of distraction



100 %


100 %



186.5 %


146.30 %



48 %


51 %



140.5 %


107.5 %



164.4 %


89.5 %



141.9 %


101.50 %



184.7 %


136.60 %



181.1 %


135.10 %

Note: V (long.) – SAWV in longitudinal direction, S (trans.) – SAWV in transverse direction.

Figure 4. The time course of SAWV in the foot skin in dermotension

The analysis of the results of the monitoring of the mechanical and biological condition of the skin during dermotension of the injured foot showed that along with the gradual closure of the soft tissue defect using the stretched skin (i.e. by the day 7), the value of SAWV with traction (C transverse) had increased by 86 % as compared to the basic values and had reached 207 m/s and 46 % for C transverse (the table, Fig. 4). Clinically, the stretched tissues showed some signs of disordered trophism (skin paleness) and increasing pain feelings. The distraction was arrested temporarily.
By completion of the relaxation period, i.e. by the 13th day after initiation of extension, we could observe the decrease in the level of tensioned and deformed state of the foot skin. SAWV decreased to 52 % (along with extension) and to 49 % (in relation to traction). After resumption of the dermotension, SAWV increased the traction forces by 40.5-84.1 % as compared to the basic values. SAWV increased by 35.1-36.6 % in transverse direction.
Therefore, the correction of the management was made owing to the signs of ischemia and significant increase in SAWV, and the distraction was temporarily stopped. After sufficient relaxation (testified by decreasing SAWV in the stretched foot skin), the distraction was resumed for completed closure of the soft tissue defect.
The heterogeneity coefficient of the mechanical and acoustic properties of the stretched skin [the ratio of C (transverse) and C (longitudinal)] was 0.82 after temporary discontinuation of the distraction. After resumption, it increased to 1.52, and later reached 1.11-1.12. In the skin of the intact foot, the coefficient did not exceed 1.0.
Therefore, the plastic operations with own tissues were carried out for closure of the soft tissue defect in the calcaneal region and for restoration of adequate supporting ability of the foot. The correct union of the instep bones and restoration of the foot arches were achieved.
Two years after completion of the treatment, the patient did not have any complaints during the control examination. She wore her usual shoes and continued her university education. Tactile and nociceptive sensitivity of the injured foot restored. The patient was satisfied with the treatment results.
The literature analysis showed the insufficient use of techniques for non-invasive monitoring of the mechanical and biological conditions of recovery of the injured soft tissues in patients with opened injuries to the extremities. The conducted studies testify the high information capability of biomechanical testing of the skin and solution of the problem of closure of the soft tissue defects in the injured extremities. The conclusion was made about the appropriateness of the objective control of the biomechanical condition of the skin surface and, therefore, timely correction of management for creation of adequate mechanical conditions in the soft tissues which do not cause the overdistension or ischemia.
Seven patients received the treatment with use of the above-mentioned technique of foot tissue dermotension with Ilizarov device for the last ten years in the clinic of the center. Currently, we successfully use the techniques for replacement of soft tissue defects, which were developed with consideration of the wound type, and a possibility for healing primary adhesion. In this case, the size, the direction of a wound in relation to the axis of the segment, and anatomical and topographical features of soft tissues in the injured segment are considered [6].
Some authors note that treatment of injuries to the lower extremities remains the complex problem for surgeons, especially, in presence of extensive damages of soft tissues and bone tissue loss. Surgical management of such injuries can be difficult due to limitation of reserves of local tissues for replacement of the defect [14].
In our center, we have developed and implemented the transosseous fixation techniques for treating soft tissue defects without transplantation, correcting the extensive wounds and preserving the optimal conditions for recovery and union of fractures. A possibility of the single-moment achievement of union of bone fragments and recovery of soft tissue wounds with preservation of function of the injured extremity has appeared after clinical implementation of the devices for transosseous fixation, with Ilizarov device that is the most appropriate for using. Skin surface testing near wounds in patients with opened injuries has become practical for identification of signs of overdistension during the process of dosed extension and skin “cultivation”. Timely correction of management promotes the increase in quality of medical care and achievement of good anatomical and functional results.


The analysis of the long term results of the treatment with use of the technique for correcting the soft tissue defect of the supporting surface of the foot has shown the good anatomical, functional and cosmetic results with positive estimation by the patient. Tactile and nociceptive sensitivity of the tissues in the injured foot was preserved. The supporting ability of the injured extremity, which is necessary for locomotor activity in daily life, has restored. Integration of the surgical techniques with Ilizarov method and estimation of mechanical and acoustic condition of the skin in patients with soft tissue defects of the extremities is appropriate for control of the dermotension process.

Information about financing and conflict of interests

The study was conducted without sponsorship.
The authors declare the absence of any clear and potential conflicts of interests relating to publication of this article.