Regional Clinical Center of Miners’ Health Protection
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3.jpgThe year 2021 is anniversary for our Polytrauma journal. 15 years ago, in June, 2006, the first issue was published. Since that time, our journal is published every three months without interruptions.

Polytrauma is the first and exclusive journal in Russia, on the pages on which we successfully systematize modern scientific and practical data on interdisciplinary problems of polytrauma. 

The journal is included into the list of main publications, which are recommended for State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles for publishing of results of dissertations for candidate of medical science and PhD in medicine. Therefore, all received articles are obligatory reviewed − usually by the members of the editorial staff and board or by attracted specialists who are well known in one or other field of medicine.

The editorial board, which includes the members of the editorial team and science editors, in its current composition presents the society of Russian and foreign likeminded people − leading experts in various aspects of polytrauma.

From July, 2016, Polytrauma journal is a part of SCOPUS international reference database. This is the only one scientific medical outlet beyond the Urals which presents results of the studies of our authors at high international level.  

We can see constant support and demand from the side of medical society of our country that allows us continuing the strategy of publication of our journal which was selected 15 years ago: interdisciplinary approach to the problem of polytrauma, high level of demands on quality of publications, unprejudiced interpretation (sometimes with discussions) of the most important and disputable issues, strong and long term connections with active medical, research and educational facilities, and good attitude towards authors.    

In 15-year anniversary of the journal, we do not remain complacent. We invite all persons who carry out studies and search for new approaches to solution of such complex and multisided problems of polytrauma to perform productive experience and knowledge exchange in the pages of our publication. We are grateful to our readers for their responses, notes and wishes.


Phone:  (384-56) 2-38-88, 9-55-34
